thnks for evrything d burger cake,pic (wif d frame), card,mercun, n ur wishes....really appreciate it....once again thank you so much for evry single u guys...n all my frens too....Hepi Besday to me....hehhe...May God bless everyone in my life..
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
my raye.....
There are so many things i want to share about my raye.....for dis year raye..i did feel a little bit sad bcause for d next two years...i might not clbrate dis special day with my family....(looking forward ..hehheheh)....So i did my best to full use this year opportunity by learning few raye's menu from my mom and my auntieszzz for exmple.... rendang Negeri Sembilan, ketupat , ayam masak merah ,dadih and so on..( so that i can cook raya dishes over there next year.....hopefully)
What do i love about raye???
(a) duit raye (angpau)...i still collect duit raye ok....
(b) d various type of delicious food....
(c) family gathering time .....after being separated for a year..
(d) extra allowance...(shopping for raya clothes,shoes and whtever.....)
My answer would be all in d list...but the most i prefer is gathering time...i don't know why????...maybe i'm in a type of family man...hmmm...for comes first no matter what it is....i do love to see all of my family members work together....bcause....that is the time where we could share lots of stories,experience,gossips and so on.....
So....the first thing i did after i came back frm maktab was helping my mother menganyam ketupat after terawikh......some people may find it weird esp when a guy knw how to menganyam ketupat..some typical person may look it as 'girlish work'...but not in my mum always reminds me how important for us to appreciate our own culture,if we don't possess will disappear is an extra credit for those who know how to menganyam ketupat..coz u may feel kind of authentic and traditional feeling about hari raye.....
hmm.... together with my siszz n mum.....
Taraa..that was the result of being so patient to menganyam keetupat...
Then..a day bfore raye..we started preparing for raya dishes....since my father's family is Minangkabau people..our compulsory menu is Rendang N.Sembilan......frankly speaking...that is the most diffcult menu 2 be prepared...but it is d best rendang i ever tasted...Basically...U need to stir/ kacau the rendang until it totally dry....and if u willing to sit still kacauing the rendang for 5-6 hours...that mean u pass the test..
we did take turn to stir the rendang....mane than buat sorang2..
Since..i had promised to my aunt that i would help her preparing for d last berbuke...i need to fulfill my words i decided to serve Mee goreng basah...and with my aunt's help....everyone seemed satisfied with our cooking.........
sempat tau pose mse tgh masak..hehe..don't u think it looks yummy
Here there are some of my raye usual....everyone wore their special raye clothes, taking zillion pics, bermaaf- maafan, visiting our relatives and d most important thing..was collecting duit raye...(hehhehe....) Believe me not...there are only two conditions when we talk about collecting duit raye in my age (19..not yet 20..ok)
a) you get extra amount of duit raye..consider u r no longer a child (so malulah kalau bg skit)
b)you get nothing..bcoz they consider u r big enough...
for me myself....i experienced both..but most of family and relatives still gve me duit raye or else i will mintak from them...(i will do everything to get it..hehhee)
di pagi aidilfitri...with my cousin and aunties.....
d most 'syahdu' moment.....mintak maaf from my mum...
and my abah too...
Here we lovely family
introducing my n abg emi
my cousin mum's side...
and introducing one of my BFFs,,,,Fatin Nabilah.........she's my rakan sepermainan during my childhood and still be my bestfren forver......
Saturday, September 5, 2009
a story of my passion..'debat'
Hmm...its actually about Debat Kepenggunaan FOMCA that was held at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn ,batu Pahat Johor....participated by debate group of IPGM Pulau Pinang ( and i 'm one of them) .hmm...Badly evn though its located in Johor..but its too far for my house..
I almost turned CRAZY since there were 28 motions need to be discussed critically and deeply within two weeks bfore d was like hell for me as we spent 3/4 of our daily time for practising..Interestingly..only six motions would be chosen to be debated in a parliament style.....but everything twisted to be interesting as we have lots of fun and fighting drama during the practise....Hhehehe..Thnks to Izzat,Noni, Naqib and Pidah for ur commiment and our frenship..(geli pulak aku)...
tgh memerah otak bagi nak gile...
N nilah hasilnye bile kepla dah out of box sgt.
After almost two weeks of disastrous practising (seyesly i damn sad because i was forced to sacrifice my semester oilday...hmmm nvm...if that the only way i could gain kind of debate i will do) whole mind loaded with tonnes of consuming information ,issues and facts...( all these things buat aku takleh tido lena ).....even inside the bathroom i kept thinking bout the motions and the bidasan since i'm the second minister/speaker in my group).......Huhuhu....But we did realise that we were quite week in skills as this competition used university debating style.At last we manage to get Kakak Naqib (soo sorry i forgot her wonderful name),she is one of university debaters...she helped us a lot but we did have a short time to fully understand and improve our skills..Once again...Thank kak naqib for teaching and sharing knowledge....
Ni mase nak blik sebnrnye..luv dis van.hehehe
Nilah terowong berhantu...ghostly tunnel...hheehh went there by our ipgm's van..hehehehe..syesly i love dis van (esp dia punye air cond and seat) even though its quite sempit n we were like in a sardine tin...but its long as the air-cond well functioning and we arrivd at the destination safely...
Mase tgh briefing...Noni maintain cover ayu..
Hehee...So after checkd in to ur rooms and a litte briefing about the event....we went for the dinner at nite..i was so happy as i've got a chnce to meet my old fren from others ipg and university...guess what??hhehe...almost most of my debate teammate during my secondary skull were thre..Hmm..Rafiq...abg rafie..Kak Qom...and others frens was more or less kind of unplanned reunion actly.....
First2 jumpe junior.....
Then jumpe my senior pulak..kak qom n abg rafie..miss them so much
mase nak g dinner...zulaikha tu suke mnyibuk..hhehe
take sum pics jap sblum talk n diner..
muke 2 kelaparan after talk yang berjelar -jelar
So, the day has come...after getting ready and having our light breakfast,we moved to the main hall....the committee divided us in two big group....and everthing began...For the first day from morning up to 7 pm, we had 4 matches....IPGM TAA, IPTB, UMP and UMPH....(of coz its damn tiring but its was a great and challenging time for me)..out of 4 matches...we won twice....Then for the second day, we had another two matches with UNIMAP and IPGMP...and we won one out of two......hmm...( i dun't know..but the juries seem totally bias as they tend to win the U's group even though they were really bad in arguing and defending the case...tensen tul ) I don't mind if we lose if we deserve to lose but somehow its getting weird in a certain condition...mybe they think that we as one of the IPGM' teams were still freshie and they were desperately need to take cre of U's reputation..hmm i don't know...afterall...i accepted everything ......the main point is i learnt so many things out of the formal classroom and its so wonderful to be remembered when i retired from this option...( i mean debate)..hehehe.....i satisfied with myself and also my group performance ....although this was the first time we participated in U's debate lvel...we managed to get into the ranking......I'm so happpy coz at last i fulfilled my dream ( to compete in U level ) that is my personal satisfaction...
after lawan ngan UMP ke IPGM Perlis..lupe plak?????
n this is after lawan ngan IPTB...they r just so sporting..
After habis match..aku mase ni pkir nak tdo je
Durian Time...Pn Nani belanja after habis match..
tenang jiwa aku..........Thnk to Pn. Nani.....
Oh ya..Congrats to Other IpGms too....esp IPIS and IPGM Perempuan Melayu Melaka...GO.. GO.Chaiyok2x..HIDUP IPGM>>>>hhehehe not be forgotten MMU too(rafiq je) for the taught and the delightful sharing... heheh Oh ya..there is another important person..guess who???yaaa....of coz our beloved lect 'Pn Nani'. Thnk for ur willingness to accompany us, ur kindness for taking a very good care of our welfare ( bnyak tau die blanje) and ur support.....U came to us when other lects simply lepas tangan and buat tak tahu....i do really appreciate ur good deeds...and frankly speaking..i'm so sorry because i do have bad perception about u before(i believe my frens.. tooooo esp my rumate..ehhehehe just joking)..but after what getting to know u closer..u r really like our mama....Once again thnk you so much......that is why d old folks used to say 'tak kenal maka tak cinta'....
mase Closing ceremony...........
silap protokol..pakai main je bju ni mase tu..hehehe
Ni mase KAk NOI...amek certifcte n souveniors
Nilah team debat yang berjuang huhuh..Chaiyok u guys...
sape suruh van lambt sgt..kitorg tangkaplah gmbr...
Act before balik we dropped by abg kak Nani nye rumah..tido semlam..
Thnk sgt kat pak cin n mak cik (lupe memory teruk betul)
kerane sudi tumpgkan kamu dan lyan kami cam anak Raje...heheheh
N this is my souvenior to my best fren here..those who get this bag consider lucky lah ye
BDw..i got only three sape tak dapat tu jgn sedih ye...
Thats all for today..i want to finisgh my LL assgnment by today...i hate the article.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!..sumbody plis help me...!!!
to my frens...:SElamat Berpuasa And BerBuke PUase...
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
lela mayang has been a long time since the last time i updated my blog...
my frens keep asking me to update it....ok..ok...but let me find d suitable time...
So the first thing comes up in my mind is to share my experience
during 'Lela Mayang' classical theatre performance.Even though it was held last month
and everyone has written dis topic in their own blog respectively......
but for me myself....i haven't....
so let's talk about it...
First of all thanks for everyone especially da crew (padI members) ,who worked really hard in order to make this theatre a success..
ok..actually it started when one of the padi's members came to me and asked whthr i intrsted to be part of this theatre..guess what..d first answer cme up in my mind was...'i do intrsted but no thnks'..then she asked me to take a look at the script.....and gve my final answer after i read the script..i said 'ok..dont expect anyting from me ya'......
then..after i cme bck 2 my room...for once i read the script..."OmG d storyline of this script is wonderful'.....then for few moments......i thought about d offer...and started talking 2 maself... "dis is a great exists once in a blue moon....n dis is d right time for me to learn about theatre and in d sme time i can polish my potential...if not now for d frst move..when will it be??"so dat nite i decided to join n ready to gve my full commitment 4 dis theatre...guess what i was given a responsibility as an old man called 'Pak Hamid' who could see with his heart not his eyes...
d practise was held everyday...either evning or was not really stressfull as we had an enough time to prepare ourself..(d actors n actrsses) .......frnkly spking it is not that easy to become a good actor or actrsses as i think is more than you say the words....and it is more than you feel your chracter...thnk God..i hve learnt so mny things through out the prctse session...frm utternces,pronounciation,voice projection, mood n emotion setting and so on...what can i say is thnks for helping me 2 improve myself esp 2 our beloved padi's mama,Mdm Mariah n other lectrs too..
So about two weeks for d prctise in our ipg..we started to prctse at Auditorium P Ramlee a week bfore the peformnce day...dis time we were monitored n taught by the professional theatre activists from another theatre club in penang..... seriously dis time the atmosphre 100% changed when we had a very strain situation esp during our prctse...everything seemd wrong n need 2 be chnged drastically....They did not satisfy with the quality of d the freshie in this option...i took evrything as new chllnges..evn though sumtimes it hurts me badly emotionally n mentally....but it was part n parcel in learning process..d old people used to sy dat nothing is easy in our life....a lot of scrifies n dtrmintion r required to achieve anyting.......
Alhamdullilah...frm day to day we were getting bettr in our skills n getting closer to one another...i nvr think dat by prtcipating in this theatre would make me closer 2 my senior n junior frm anothr courses like Deakin...ppismp n so guys r so sweet n friendly...
hahahaha..once again the sense of prejudice in myself broke ( no need to explain more as i think u guys know wht do i mean).....hmm..gradually i strongly believed that the stigma and gap between another courses in this ipg could be narrowed when we work togther ( togthr..togthr .togthr everyone..qtd from HSM 1)
hmm...finally d day has come...seriously i'm freaking afraid n nervous....most of the lecturers n d students frm my ipg would come and see our prformce....
Thnk God..evrything went smoothly as evryone did their best dat nite...evn though i forgot a line on d frst nite....the crew n actors mnged to cover it..thnks guys....hmmm...but honestly i did not satisfy with my performnce on the frst day....bcos i did not 'all out ' evrything...hmmm then for the final day of performnce...i tried my best to gve evrything to my chrcter n i thought i did it....
Bdw..thnks for evryone who wtched our performnce...and those who gve any comments and praise...Alhamdullilah...i wish i could improve it in future...



For d lecturers n padi was an unforgetable moments in my life...thnks for giving me a chnce to be part of the team...i'm so sorry if i did mistake or hurts anyone esp d busana team for being so demanding (i just teasing n offence ya)...once again thnks to evryone...i do looking forward to work with u guys again in future...
'They do not, they do not see,
For they see to much and must choose,
We are the fortunate,the dead , the children and I,
For we do not see, For we do not see,
And there is no anger, greed, or lust,
We are the fortunate, the dead , the children and I.
And the wise world moves from violence to violence,
And listens to the voice,
Of the fortunate - the dead, the children and I
( qtd from Pak Hamid's lines - Lela Mayang)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
my activity....jerejak trip..

So, on 11 April 2009, around 31 members from my cohort went to the Jerejak Island....act diz is one of the cohort's activities for diz sem....We only took bout 1o mins to the jetty before we enjoying another 15 mis of boat riding to the island.....since i haven't been to this island before..i'm really impatient and looking forward in this trip...

After we arrived thre,we gathred at the lobby for the short briefing.....i'm totally impressed with d greenery of this island and the enchanted surrounding and looks totally perfect in my eyes..
since we hve another 1 hour bfore we start our first my frens n me..spending our time by vandalising all the facilities thre ....act d playground is for the kids...but as we considred we r still childs, so we assume that we can play...its so fun coz it has been a long time since d last time i played at d playground...all d future teachers became children 4 a while....

then,i looked around dat place and took several pics..... heehe..

Ok...our first activity was 'Jungle tracking'. its quite tiring and exhausting ..but i did enjoy this activity.....along the track....we were shown wif d place where the leprosy patients stayed a long time ago (its quite scary ) ...d old dam an so on...we spent almost one hour and half for diz activity...

Next , our second activity was 'Flying Fox'...we acrross the dam by using d hanging bridge...hehehe.only 5 persons at a time....i enjoyed diz activity but its too short..(blum sempat nak jerit i already landed )...not really satisfied and want 2 try some more next time....we spent lots of time by watching
Then....around 12.. we took a break for lunch and Zuhur prayer....b4 we arrvd at d cafe...there was another hilarious incident..(hehehe)..happened where (A****) unpurposely swam in a pool instead of swinging above the water..nvm...nice try..
The food and the service were totally delicious and went beyond from what i expected earlier( i thought we wre going to eat nasi bungkus)...we were served well and the luxurious food r totally delicious....a complete set from d appetizer up until d dessert made me madly full...heheh..frankly speakin...what have we eaten is worth than what we paid for..
After zuhur prayer..we proceed to the next activity which was 'archery' diz was my first experience ,i'm quite nervous and excited to do it...luckily...out of five shoots..i scored at the black site..d other one at the white site..and suprisingly...i managed to shoot at the yellow site (middle) during my fourth attempt...heheh...(kira oklah for d beginner)...
Right after that, we moved on to the last activity which was 'wall climbing'.....act i'm quite afraid to try..but as i hve paid for all d activities...why dun't i try first??whther i fail or success to climb up until the top...dat is another matter.....bcoz i believe that we won't know d result b4 we try it with our best...afterall....i've reached to my personal expectation and i really satisfied compred to my achievmnt at ukhwah camp during my secondary time.....afterall diz activity required me to use lot of physical strength ....and d result was i suffred for few days bcoz both of my hand cramp.nvm at least i've an exprience rthr than none...
so as we fnishd all d activities early, we hve about one hour and half for free activity...i used dat opportunity to chill out my body by swimming in swimming pool...What a relief for me whre all the tiredness move out from my body......i love the bayview that we
Then...around 5.15...we already preprd 2 go back to d hostel....evryone lookd tired..but i believe that those who joined this activity r totally have an enjoyable moment and sweetest experience in our life....i really would like to thnks d organizer for diz progrmme...(sport and recreational bureau of student council- yus n mira for ur effrort in making diz trip a success)...i know sum people dun bother to support one another espcially when we try to run an activity bcoz they dun know and understand the dffculties in handling and mnaging a programme..but i personally understand as i hve gone through d same life is like a circle..they will understand it one day after they face the same situation whre people around them won't bother of wht thr r trying 2 do.....(dis is my personal view..not spcfc to any no offnce yeah....kalau ade yang terase..hmm pham2 sdrilah .....i do not blame anyone but as this is my blog so i'm free to pour evrythings in my mind)....hopfully we can do lots of trip next time....
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